We are a fourth of the way through the year – hard to believe, isn’t it? As of March 20th at 5:24 PM EST to be exact, it’s officially spring! Time to bring on warmer weather, sunshine, blue skies, and outdoor activities.

With a quarter of the year in the rear-view mirror, let’s think back on those resolutions we set on December 31st…anyone still on track? If you are – HOORAY! If not, use this opportunity with the changing season to spring forward with our goals and get ourselves back on the road to success.

Many of us set health and wellness goals for the new year – exercise more, have better nutrition habits, join a gym – but it’s common to lose sight of your resolutions within the first 6 weeks. So, what can you do to rejuvenate your health and wellness routine and spring into fitness?

Get Outside! There is nothing like going outside and smelling the fresh air, enjoying a cool breeze, and taking in the blooming flowers and green grass. As the warmer weather approaches, take your exercise outdoors when you can. Aim to get outside for 5-10 minutes for a walk during your lunch break and see what positive effects it has, not only on your physical health, but on your mental health as well!

Spring Clean Your Nutrition. Eating healthily, especially in the winter, isn’t always as quick and easy as it appears on TV. Fresh fruits and vegetables can be expensive, and it takes some planning to make sure things don’t go bad before you have a chance to eat them! BUT spring is the perfect time to stock up on fresh, local, in-season produce that is harder to come by in the colder months. And if you still struggle to eat your veggies, spring offers a great variety to up your nutritional game. Watermelons, strawberries, peas, tomatoes – the possibilities are endless.

Freshen Up Your Wardrobe! Ok, this one might seem a tad superficial, but hear me out: Who doesn’t feel more motivated and empowered when wearing a bright new pair of sneakers? A study back in 2012 published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology introduced the term “enclothed cognition,” describing the impact clothing can have on one’s psychological processes. So, when you’re spring cleaning your closet, take inventory of your workout gear – toss what doesn’t fit or what doesn’t make you feel good when you wear it. And, if you need a little motivation, invest in that new pair of workout pants or Nike running shoes – research shows it’s a good idea. 😉

Find Your Fitness. Are you sure you set goals that make sense for YOU? When was the last time you did a fitness assessment or figured out what your current fitness level is? It’s hard to set goals and pick an exercise regimen if you don’t know where you stand. A fitness assessment is a critical piece of the puzzle for anyone planning their health and wellness goals. It helps identify strengths, as well as our areas of opportunity, and the best ways to address them!

If you are still on track with your fitness resolutions – congratulations! If you aren’t, use these tips to help refocus yourself. Happy Springing back into fitness!